Way back in 2001 I launched a film publication called 16:9 Magazine. Designed to be the voice of the Colorado indie film community, the noble rag covered regional filmmaking events, published interviews with big-time directors, promoted film events, and generally worked to provide a vibrant public platform for the area's creative forces. We had a cool website, too, which provided more timely news and entertainment and supplemented the print component nicely. I even created an "indie film channel" that worked something like YouTube - but four years before they became a global phenomenon.
Amazing people, positive reviews, fans, and then...then...then... Well, it didn't work out. The rest is what is typically called 'a long story' and not for this venue.
However, I'm proud of the work we did and wanted to make it available for posterity. There's a chance a still have chunk of code on a server somewhere and may be able to reanimate the old website but that'll be later.
Meanwhile, for the first time ever, 16:9 Magazine is now available online! Check it out!
And as customary for these kinds of articles, here's a 'Where Are They Now?' breakdown of the awesome people that made 16:9 Magazine possible.
Eric Elkins
CEO of the social media agency WideFoc.us in Denver, Eric has been writing a bunch under The Dating Dad moniker and has even published a couple books. And he appeared on the Steve Harvey show!
Idelle Jones
Magazine designer and artist, Idelle is still cranking out killer designs under her own flag, IJ Designs. Idelle and her husband Todd live in Denver.
Eric Beteille
Eric hopped from the Denver Film Society to the American Film Institute and is now Senior Content Strategist at Walt Disney Resorts. Beteille resides in Los Angeles is an accomplished photographer.
Walter Chaw
A long-time (15+ years!) film reviewer and columnist at FilmFreakCentral.net, Chaw has recently taken the position of General Manager at the Denver Alamo Drafthouse.
Paul Sullivan
A terrifically talented artist, Paul moved on to create for such global hits as Tomb Raider: Underworld and X-Men: The Official Game and was recently the Art Director for the hit animated film, THE BOOK OF LIFE.
Sandra Murray
A sales professional and all around promoter, Sandra continues to do great marketing, event planning, and fundraising work in Denver under her company Contagious Media.
Erin Breeze
After picking up an MA in Peace and Development studies at University of Limerick, Breeze is now Executive Director of Building Bridges, a non-profit organization fostering tolerance and communication.
And finally, writer/director Michael Tully, who penned the magazine's 'Inspiration' article (as well as a hilarious piece for the website comparing/contrasting actors David Keith vs Keith David) went on to helm the respected indie film journalism depot Hammer To Nail and write and direct three feature films - one of which he also starred in. His most recent film was PING PONG SUMMER. Currently living in Austin, TX, Tully is working on a creepy atmospheric thriller set in the cold misty lowlands of Ireland.